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Our Menu

  • 鲜虾肠粉 (Shrimp Rice Roll) $2

    Steamed rice rolls filled with fresh shrimp and soy sauce.

  • 葱花肠粉 (Green Onion Rice Roll) $2

    Steamed rice rolls filled with fresh chopped green onions.

  • 鸡蛋肠粉 (Egg Rice Roll) $2

    Steamed rice rolls filled with eggs and soy sauce.

  • 皮蛋瘦肉粥 (Century Egg and Lean Meat Porridge) $2

    Savory congee with century egg and lean pork slices.

  • 家乡鱼滑粥 (Hometown Fish Ball Porridge) $2

    Warm congee filled with flavorful homemade fish balls.

  • 糯米鸡 (Sticky Rice in lotus leaf) $5

    Sticky Rice in wrapped inside lotus leaf.

  • 韭菜盒子(Chives Box) $5

    Fill in chives, cellophane noodles, egg shrimp skin

  • 菠萝包 (Pineapple Bun) $1.50

    Sweet bun topped with a sugary, pineapple-like crust.

  • 火腿包 (Spam Bun) $2

    Soft buns filled with spam.

  • 葱花包 (Green Onion Bun) $2

    Soft buns filled with green onion, garlic, and mayonnaise.

  • 叉烧包 (Barbecued Pork Buns) $2

    Soft buns filled with sweet and savory barbecued pork.

  • 腊肠虾米萝卜糕 (Daikon Cake) $11

    Steamed radish cake with Chinese sausage and dried shrimp.

  • 腊肠虾米芋头糕 (Taro Cake) $12

    Steamed taro cake with Chinese sausage and dried shrimp.

  • 椰汁红豆年糕 (Coconut Milk Red Bean Cake) $5

    Sweet rice cake with coconut milk and red bean paste.

  • 海绵蛋糕 (Sponge Cake) $10

    Soft, fluffy sponge cake, lightly sweetened.

  • 杏仁饼 (Almond Cookies) $1

    Crunchy cookies with a rich almond flavor.

  • 核桃酥 (Walnut Cookies) $1

    Crumbly cookies with pieces of walnut and buttery flavor.

  • 豆沙月饼 (Red Bean Mooncake) $4

    Crumbly cookies with pieces of red bean flavor.

  • 五仁月餅 (Five Nuts Mooncake) $4

    Crumbly cookies with pieces of walnut and buttery flavor.

  • 蛋黄豆沙月饼 (Red Bean with Yolk) $4

    Red bean with yolk

  • 莲蓉月饼 (Lotus Mooncake) $4

    lotus mooncake

  • 蛋黄莲蓉月饼 (Lotus with Yolk) $4

    Lotus with yolk

  • 秘制家乡鱼丸 (Homemade Fish Balls) $7

    Savory fish balls made from a family recipe.

  • 秘制家乡鱼浆 (Homemade Fish Paste) $6

    Flavorful fish paste for making dumplings or fish balls.

  • 秘制家乡煎鱼饼 (Fried Fish Paste) $10

    Fried fish patties made from homemade fish paste.

  • 家乡牛肉丸 (Homemade Beef Ball) $5

    Tender beef balls made with a family recipe.

  • 广东鲜虾云吞 (Guangdong Shrimp Wontons) $8

    Delicate wontons filled with fresh shrimp.

  • 糟卤鸡爪 (Braised Chicken Feet) $8

    Chicken feet braised in a savory marinade.

  • 叉烧 (BBQ pork) $10

    BBQ pork dish.

  • 广东咸瘦肉粽 (Guangdong Salty Lean Pork Zongzi) $5

    Sticky rice dumpling filled with salty lean pork.

  • 广东五花肉粽 (Guangdong Salty Pork Belly Zongzi) $5

    Sticky rice dumpling filled with salty pork belly.

  • 豆沙碱水粽 (Red Bean Alkaline Zongzi) $1.50

    Sticky rice dumpling with sweet red bean filling.

  • 上海肉粽 (Shanghai Style Zongzi) $5

    Sticky rice dumpling with savory pork filling, Shanghai style.

  • 椰汁布丁 (Coconut pudding) $5

    Coconut pudding dessert

  • 芒果布丁 (mango pudding) $1

    Mango pudding

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(pick up on Saturday and Sunday)

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